Biblical Pesrpectives
Biblical Perspectives Intro
Defense on Biblical Perspectives
Our Key Concern Areas
Many people are confused as to which idea or concept to follow. It is therefore an oppotunity to let make them understand God's view or verdict on such issues. Moral and social issues like Abortion, Homosexuality, Gay Marriages, Gender Equality and others become preoccupying to the human mind and should be well considered.
Call to Biblical Perspectives
Some Emphasis
Names and images of blasphemy also come in the form of "rights." Such rights which violate God's moral Law are the catalysts for divine judgments upon given civilizations. Sin has always been sin. But attempts to legalize or institutionalize a given evil pose the threat which the Bible describes as "transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, broken the everlasting covenant." Such transgression of the moral law brings about the defilement of the earth. As for the consequences, the Bible contineous, "therefore the curse has has devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate" (Isaiah 24:5-6). The breaking of God's moral Law would be the breaking of the very foundation on which human civilization is founded. This would leave the earth with no option but to tilt until it finally collapses. There is thus the need to maintain divine standards.