Homosexuality and Gay Marriages
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Homosexuality is the act and practice of same sex intercourse. This practice can be traced far back into ancient biblical times resulting in the divine destruction of the city-states of
The very notion of homosexuality violates the concept of sex because between men for example, the anus is not a sex organ. Any sexual activity with a non sex organ is an abuse. And talking of lesbianism, one vagina cannot have sexual intercourse with another. Such abuses become crimes that are to be punishable by law. What do we do when criminals become vocal and begin demanding for the right to be formally recognized as such and for their evil activities to be legalized? We simply tell them, No! If they wish to continue in their abuses in secret, that’s up to them. But as a law abiding society, no institution whether political or religious is supposed to have its image stained with the introduction of bad and immoral laws. If the justice systems of the nations fail on such moral issues, then God will be left with no option but to vindicate Himself by rendering vengeance on those individuals, nations, and the earth at large.
The practice of homosexuality has been steadily gaining grounds in recent times as such gays and lesbians have begun coming out publicly to ask for the respect of their rights. Some nations have even passed legislation to recognize such gay and lesbian “rights.” And even in the Christian world, certain factions of apostate Christianity have equally begun reviewing their stand on the issue. But the best view we have to consider is the biblical. The book that is neither ancient nor modern, the book that addresses all human issues despite his era or civilization has a crystal clear verdict on the issue.
The Bible describes homosexuality as “doing so wickedly” (Genesis 19:7). This describes its degree of sinfulness and incrimination. The Bible again describes homosexuals as “given up to vile affections” (Romans 1:26). This describes its degree of immorality and debauchery. The Bible equally describes homosexuals as having a “reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28). This describes its degree of captivity and addiction. From the above biblical analysis, homosexuality could be best described as an immoral sexual wickedness in which many are held captive.
Some gays pretend to think they were born that way and thus have that kind of sexual orientation. But no one is born gay. It is possible for you to allow yourself to become disillusioned and gradually you become reprobate (hardened). That is why culture is a great factor in influencing human behavior. And it also explains why homosexuality is commonly practiced in the West and is only recently gradually spreading to other parts of the world through cross cultural interactions and the influence of the internet. But righteousness is the ability to stand out from one’s sinful cultural influences and be identified with God. It is the option of walking in the ways of God and not those of men. All those whom the Bible describes as “righteous” are people who stood out and identified with God rather than with their sinful societies.
The Bible uses the harshest words to describe homosexuality, and clearly says that homosexuals shall not inherit the
Gay marriage is the legalization and institutionalization of homosexuality. This takes the sin from the individual to the collective and national levels. To fully understand God’s view on gay marriage, you need to read on the biblical perspective on homosexuality above. The Bible says we should not follow a multitude to sin. This implies that God does not operate on democratic principles where the majority carries the vote. If so, God would have spared the ancient world as well as
The legalization of homosexuality in gay marriages by some nations is simply an image of blasphemy against God. It is a direct breaking of the natural law and God’s moral law; as well as a violation of God’s precepts and statutes. People, shall God remain indifferent to this? I think the answer is No. We are not sub-primates. Meaning even the animals keep the natural law. God made living species to be male and female to fulfill complementary roles to each other. Sexual intercourse is for pleasure as it is for procreation. And it is through the institution of a heterogeneous marriage relationship that this is to be achieved. I exhort the nations of the earth to keep the moral law for it is by this that humanity shall be preserved.
God does not recognize gay marriages. Those involved in it are simply living in a serious sinful relationship. They need the deliverance and salvation of Christ.