About Us
Know us, know our vision.
Zion Vision is a Christian forerunning ministry. It comprises a fundamental combination of the apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic ministries. Zion Vision’s apostolic mandate is in the bringing about of restoration in the Body of Christ. Restoration involves moral, doctrinal and structural. The epitome of Zion Vision is in the rebuilding of the foundation of unity in the church, thus creating the means for the mountain of the Lord to be identified as a single divine institution in these end times.
Zion Vision’s prophetic mandate is in a visionary leadership. We declare the future and call on the church to be prepared to face those specific challenges that await her as well as take the right dispositions to receive the specific blessings destined for her in the same period. Zion Vision makes many prophetic declarations for the body of Christ, the nation of Israel and the world at large. For instance, Zion Vision says NO to the “Two State Solution” between Israel and the Palestinians, and calls for oneness in the Holy Land . To know more about these, you need to read the book Zion Vision of Today. It is a must read for every Christian and church leader today.
Zion Vision’s evangelistic mandate is a combination of multiple activities aimed at fostering the gospel around the world. These are summarised into motivational, orientational and direct involvement.
In motivation, we are calling on the entire Body of Christ made up of all churches, church leaders and born again Christians to be directly involved in evangelism and to take the gospel as the most urgent priority at this time.
In orientation, we provide capacity building on various issues relating to evangelism including cross cultural evangelism, church growth strategies etc.
We also directly involve ourselves in evangelism activities in the following ways:
- We publish great numbers of specially adapted gospel tracts and books for free distribution around the world.
- We produce special testimonial CD/VCD materials aimed at evangelism for free distribution around the world.
- We inspire and motivate revival among nominal churches.
- We directly go out and preach and plant churches.
Our evangelistic vision is that Evangelical Christianity should grow by at least 100% or more in the next 15 years.
Statement on Zion Vision
Zion Vision is the vision of the church of Jesus Christ as a divine institution at the end of times established as a mountain above every other mountain or hill. Not only is the mountain of the Lord established above every other, but we see the nations or peoples flowing into it for salvation. For this mountain to be established, the Lord’s house needs to be built. And as the mountain is established, it gives the clear distinction, attraction and assurance for the nations to flow into it.
Zion Vision for the nation of Israel is for the existence of a single nation made up of both Jews and Palestinians living in the same geographical space between the Mediterranean and the Jordan , but with the exception of the Gaza Strip, called Israel . Again, to understand better, you need to read the book, Zion Vision of Today.