Prophetic Updates
** Update of 30th Dec. 2009
With the increasing allegations of sexual abuses of children by Catholic priests, it becomes evident that the moral situation in the world is getting worse. What do you do when those you look up to as role models become the villains? Or when those who are supposed to be protecting you are the ones exploiting and abusing you? The resignation of the Irish Bishop over cover ups of sexual abuses of children by priests only follow the announcement by the BBC in March, of the payment by the Catholic church in America alone the astronomical sum of more than 430 million dollars in 2008 to settle victims of sexual abuses by its priests.
These only come to fulfil scriptures that declare the increase in moral decadence and the departure from sound doctrine in these last days. "Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth" (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
With the henious sins of child abuse in the West and rampant adultry in the developping world, one begins to wonder if the socalled doctrine of celibacy by priests is not just a cloak to cover malicious schemes? And when mere humans adopt for themselves divine titles like: "His Holiness," or "His Lordship," and also claim for themselves divine attributes as "Infallibility," it becomes apparent how they can get themselves entangled in their own pride and devices. Celibacy is an individual choice. But when it is made a doctrine and conditionality into Christian ministry, it becomes a herecy.
To change then becomes seemingly difficult because it would entail dismantling an established order. But is that not what humility demands? Is repentance not the ability to recognise one's errors and turn away from them? But when this is difficult or improbable, it clearly shows that divine justice shall finally take its course. To those who have the fear of God in such compromising institutions, the handwriting on the wall is clear for all to read. God's voice is clear to you on this issue: "Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive her plaques" (Rev. 18:4).
*** Update of 5th Dec. 2009
On the 19th of Nevember 2009, something remarkable took place that marks a very major step in the fulfilment of biblical prophecies. That was the election of the first European Union President. While I took full notice of what had happened, the Lord informed me the next day that less than 5% of His people had taken note of it's significance.
It is not the person, but the institution of the post that is of interest. Biblical prophecies declared that it shall be the leader of the modern Roman Empire, today in the E.U who shall seemingly establish a temporary peace deal in the Middle East crisis. And while this first leader seems to be humble and says he shall be listening to the views of the various presidents and leaders of the Union, the Bible declares that the leader or President of the Union at the advent of the second coming of Christ shall be godless and despotic. He shall fuster anti-God policies, shall demand total allegiance and shall crush all those who shall oppose him. To know more about this future personality, and to know what the scriptures declare about the near future, then study these facts on The Prophetic Timetable page, and above all read our book, Zion Vision of Today.